Tuition Pricing Information – Tuition remains the same whether it is a long (5-week) or short (3-week) month and regardless of absences. The dance season runs from September-June.
- Tuition is payable in advance, due on the 1st of each month.
- For your convenience, multi-payments are also accepted. A 5% discount is offered June-September if paying for the year in advance.
- Students are asked to sign up for autopay upon registration. VISA and MASTERCARD are accepted with a 3% fee. There is no charge for ACH payments.
- In the event that tuition is not paid by the 5th of the month, a fee of $5.00 shall be added to your tuition balance. “
- A 30-day delinquency will result in restriction from participation.
- A $25.00 fee will be charged for checks returned for insufficient funds.
If the student will not be continuing, please notify the studio in writing prior to the start of a new month so that tuition will not continue to accrue. If the student discontinues in the middle of the month, the family is still responsible for tuition for that month. Classes are limited in size and there are waiting lists for many of the classes; therefore, without notification the student’s place in class is reserved and tuition continues to accrue.
Regular Dance Season Rates are listed below. Summer session rates are listed on the class schedules page.